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3 of the top causes of slip-and-falls in public spaces

On Behalf of | Jun 21, 2023 | Pedestrian Accidents |

Falls are a leading cause of serious injury in the United States. Someone does not need to be at a significant elevation to experience a fall that causes a major injury. Same-level falls can lead to broken bones and brain injuries, as well as soft tissue injuries, contusions and lacerations.

Slip-and-fall incidents are one of the leading causes of same-level falls and also a top cause of modern premises liability claims. What leads to people slipping and falling while they are out in public?

Wet surfaces due to leaks or weather

Patrons arriving at a facility will track in precipitation from outside, leading to slick and unsafe floors. Unless businesses are careful about keeping entranceways clean and dry, they are often among the most dangerous places within a business because someone could easily slip and fall. Anywhere that there are issues with the roof, the plumbing or refrigeration equipment, there is also a possible risk of moisture accumulation that leads to a slip-and-fall.

Improper rug use

Having rugs near an entrance is a common-sense means of collecting moisture and debris tracked in by patrons to keep floors clean and safe. However, rugs themselves can become a tripping hazard. Saturated rugs are dangerous and can cause puddling that leads to people falling. Rugs that businesses don’t properly anchor can end up wrinkled and can cause someone to trip and fall.

Inadequate cleaning

Patrons could spill merchandise, or workers might leave a trail of coffee dribbles behind them, which can make the floor unsafe for anyone who walks by later. Unfortunately, many businesses don’t keep enough workers on hand to maintain clean and dry floors consistently, which may mean that people end up slipping and falling because of a mess that workers should have cleaned up promptly for safety’s sake.

All three of the scenarios above involve potentially actionable negligence. Those injured due to a slip-and-fall caused by poor business or building maintenance habits may have grounds for a premises liability claim. Discussing a situation that led to one’s injury at a business with an attorney can help someone better evaluate whether they have grounds to file a premises liability lawsuit.