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– Your Family In Law

Year: 2020

What to do if you spot a negligent driver

The more time you spend on the road, the greater chance there is that you’ll come across someone who’s violating the law. Negligence as a driver comes in many forms, including but not limited to distracted driving, reckless driving, driving under the influence of alcohol and drowsy driving. If you spot a negligent driver, you should be glad that you…

3 things drivers should know about rear-end collisions

It’s a common experience—you may be waiting at a stoplight, parked in a parking lot or driving normally when suddenly another car strikes your rear bumper. You’ve experienced a rear-end collision. These accidents can range from less-damaging fender-benders to catastrophic accidents, ad it is important for drivers to know the long-lasting damage that they can do. Rear-end collisions are very…

How many people send and read texts while driving?

Surveys can provide researchers with information about people’s behavior, up to a certain point. Asking people questions or having them fill out anonymous surveys requires that researchers trust their self-reported experiences. Many people will under-report engaging in behaviors they know to be inappropriate or illegal, even if questions are anonymous. Still, while the data may not be as accurate as…